
Armenia and Georgia: Unicef project, rock band recording and Komitas piano recording.

Back to Yerevan and to Armenia, this time I got called from Nexus Center of Arts on behalf of Unicef-Armenia to manage, coordinate, record, mix and – in the end- release a collection of different musical events (jam sessions, labs, re-arranged traditional tunes etc) which will have war-oppressed Armenian kids as the main focus.

It has been an interesting and somehow challenging project so far, it will be going on again soon in April, possibly in May and then again September. Looking forward to go back there and some other in-field recording!


But on top of that I was able to record a single-tune for a (grooving) rock band in Yerevan in a small recording studio…

… from small to big studio for a piano recording gig in Tbilisi (Georgia), recording classical piece from Armenian composer Komitas.



With me, my trusted AntelopeAudio interface and mics!

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